New dissemination paper: Can machines acquire consciousness?

Take a look to this scientific dissemination in The Conversation and get the answer of our experts! Cobos, M. I., & Chica, A. B. (2024, June 6). ¿Pueden las máquinas adquirir consciencia? The Conversation.    

New dissemination paper: In a coma or awake?: measuring consciousness is not easy

Take a look to this scientific dissemination in The Conversation and learn more about the minimally conscious state! Chica, A. B., & Cobos, M. I. (2023, October 2). ¿En coma o despierto?: Medir La Consciencia no es fácil. The Conversation.  

Round table to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

The 13th of February, a round table has been organised to discuss the challenges of women in science from different academic stages. Our group leader Dr. Ana Chica and postdoc collaborator Dr. Mar Martín have officially participated in this event in order to raise awareness and celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in… Read more acerca de Round table to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science!

Starting our new proyect BABYBRAIN! How does consciousness work in babies?

Our group, in colaboration with the Developmental COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE Lab of Dr. Charo Rueda, has launched a research project of excellence (BABYBRAIN). This project about the neuroanatomical and functional bases of conscious attention in babies (1-4 months) has been financed by the Junta de Andalucía. If you wish to participate or obtain more information about… Read more acerca de Starting our new proyect BABYBRAIN! How does consciousness work in babies?