The University of Granada is among the 150 best Universities of the world in the area of Psychology

According to the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), better know as the Shangai Ranking, the University of Granada is between the places 101-150 in the area of Phychology, in the 2017 annual ranking. UGR news: Shangai Ranking:


From 28-30th September, we will be at the RECA11 (Reunión Científica sobre atención), Baeza (Jaén), presenting some of our work with several conferences: The casual role of the parietal lobe in facilitation and inhibition of return – Elisa Martín-Arévalo Attention modulates the evolution of visual consciousness – Fabiano Botta Neural modulations of the interference control… Read more acerca de RECA11

FPI Fellowship

Very good news! We are all very happy because María Melcón has got a PhD fellowship from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Contratos predoctorales para la Formación de Personal Investigador 2017, FPI-UAM). Congratulations María!

TFM Defense

Wednesday 13th September, J. Alberto Gómez Moro will present his Final Master Thesis titled “Implicación de los fascículos longitudinales superiores en la atención exógena y en la atención endógena en pacientes frontoparietales / Role of the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in exdogenous and exogenous attention in frontoparietal patients” for the Master in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. … Read more acerca de TFM Defense

New academic year, new papers

We start September with the publication of two new papers, congratulations! Ortiz-Tudela, J., Martín-Arévalo, E., Chica, A.B.,& Lupiáñez, J. (in press). Semantic incongruity attracts attention at a pre-conscious level: evidence from a TMS study. Cortex. Chica, A.B., Thiebaut de Schotten, M., Bartolomeo, P., and Paz-Alonso, P.M. (in press). White matter microstructure of attentional networks predicts… Read more acerca de New academic year, new papers

Congratulations, Cristina!

Very good news! We all are very happy because Cristina Narganes has got a PhD fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Ayudas para la formación de profesorado universitario, FPU). Congratulations!