• María Melcón is working on intracranial EEG analyses about attention and consciousness. It is a technique with un beatable spatial and temporal resolution.

  • Morteza Izadifar visits as an Erasmus student, collaborating in some of our research about interference control and consciousness.

  • Giuliana Marino visits as an Erasmus student, collaborating in a TMS project about the role of the parietal cortex in facilitation and IOR.

  • Alberto Gómez is working in his Master project exploring the role of white matter in attentional deficits in brain damaged patients.

  • María Cobos is working in her Master project correlating electrocardiogram signals of healthy participants with cognitive processes. The aim is to explore the interactions between psychophysical and cognitive variables.

  • Diego Candela works as a practice student collaborating with some of our research about interference control and consciousness.

  • Raquel Selma is working in her graduate thesis collaborating in some of our experiments about the role of consciousness in voluntary and involuntary attention.

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