Martijn obtained his MSc in Psychology from The University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2006. He continued to pursue a life of science in Amsterdam by joining the lab of Dr. Victor Lamme. During his Ph.D. project, Martijn focused on the way our brains produce visual perception using brain stimulation and EEG recordings. In 2014, the scientific waters took him into the realm of internally oriented processes, including metacognition, anticipation, and creative thinking. He investigated these topics in Brussels with Dr. Axel Cleeremans and in the labs of Dr. Tony Ro in New York and Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein in Cambridge (Marie Curie Global Fellowship 2018-2021). In Granada (Maria Zambrano Junior Fellowship), Martijn is investigating how (conscious/unconscious) internally generated information emerges in the brain. To this end, he uses psychophysics, neuroimaging methods (fMRI, MEG/EEG), and non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS).


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