Take a look at the oral and poster communications (see more details on our media section) from our group:
The influence of cognitive load on implicit time-on-space interference? Pom Charras, Mariagrazia Capizzi
Integrating brain function and structure in the study of the human attentional networks. Mar Martín-Signes, Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Michel Thiebaut de Schotten, Ana B. Chica.
Heart rate modulations of correct and incorrect feature integration. María I. Cobos, Pedro M. Guerra, Ana B. Chica
Neuromodulation in the healthy brain: the role of white matter variability. J.J. Ramírez-Guerrero, M. Martín-Signes, C. Narganes-Pineda, A. Caracuel., J.L. Mata, A.B. Chica.
Streams of conscious visual experience: a functionnectome study. Mar Martín Signes, Ana B. Chica, Paolo Bartolomeo & Michel Thiebaut de Schotten.
Closed-loop neurofeedback to improve conscious perception. Pablo Rodríguez-San Esteban, Ana Belén Chica, Maarten Ottenhoff, Christian Herff, José A. González López.
Hierarchical Detection of Auditory Irregularities in Early Infancy: An Event Related Study. Josué Rico-Picó, Julia Hernández, M. Rosario Rueda, Ana B. Chica.
Assessing fitness-to-drive using the Orienting Hazard Prediction Test: Data from stroke survivors. Cándida Castro, Daniel Salazar-Frías, Ana Szot, Lucia Laffarga, Ismael Muela, María Rodríguez-Bailón, Pedro García-Fernández, Eduardo Eisman, Ana B. Chica.
Testing the causal role of the motor system in language comprehension: A preregistered, multilab, TMS study. Pablo Solana, Richard J. Binney, Daniel Casasanto, Zaira Cattaneo, Ana B. Chica, Manuel de Vega, Iván Padrón, Francesca Vitale, Julio Santiago.
Neural correlates of the pulvinar and mediodorsal thalamus in visual search guided by explicit and implicit cues. Leandro Lecca-Villacorta, Ana B. Chica, Garikoitz Lerma-Usabiaga, Pedro M. Paz-Alonso.
Here you can find the Full Program of the SEPEX-24
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