My most important publications are listed below. Links to them are included, although they can also be accessed through the databases
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Solving direct and inverse problems for Fredholm-type integro-differential equations with application to pollution, Math. Comput. Simulation 223 (2024), 394—404. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, M. Ruiz Galán, Iterative schemes for linear equations of the second kind and related inverse problems, Appl. Numer. Math. 200 (2024), 110—123. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Solving inverse problems for mixed-variational equations on perforated domains, Comp. Appl. Math. 42 (2023), Art. ID 297. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, A discrete chacterization of the solvability of equilibrium problems and its application to game theory, Axioms 12 (2023), Art. ID 666. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, A generalized and unified approach to the approximation of fuzzy numbers and its arithmetic and characteristics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 473 (2023), Art. ID 108727. ARTICLE (open access)
- H. Kunze, D. La Torre, A. Riccoboni, M. Ruiz Galán (Eds.), Engineering mathematics and artificial intelligence. Foundations, methods, and applications (1st ed.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2023. BOOK
- M.I. Berenguer, M. Ruiz Galán, An iterative algorithm for approximating the fixed point of a contractive affine operator, Mathematics 10 (2022), Art. ID 1012. ARTICLE (open access)
- A.I. Garralda-Guillem, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, A computational study for solving inverse problems for mixed variational equations on perforated domains, Recent Developments in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Sciences, 277—287, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 343, Springer, Cham, 2021. CHAPTER
- K. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Optimization methods in inverse problems and applications to science and engineering, Optim. Eng. 22 (2021), 2151—2158. EDITORIAL (open access)
- S. Triberti, I. Durosini, J. Lin, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, On the “Human” in Human-Artificial Intelligence Interaction, Front. Psychol. 12 (2021). EDITORIAL (open access)
- M. Arana-Jiménez, M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, A perturbed collage theorem and its application to inverse interval integral problems, Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 90 (2020), Art. ID 105365. ARTICLE
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garrralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, Minimax inequalities and variational equations, Optimization of complex systems: theory, models, algorithms and applications, 518—525, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 991, Springer, Cham, 2020. CHAPTER
- A.I. Garralda-Guillem, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Using the generalized collage theorem for estimating unknown parameters in perturbed mixed variational equations, Comm. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 91 (2020), Art. ID 105433. ARTICLE
- A.I. Garrralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, A minimax approach for the study of systems of variational equations and related Galerkin schemes, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 354 (2019), 103—111. ARTICLE (open access)
- P. Montiel López, M. Ruiz Galán, Infinite programming and theorems of the alternative, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 42 (2019), 5769—5778. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, Minimax inequalities and optimization, Bol. Estad. Investig. Oper. 35 (2019), 198—214. ARTICLE (open access)
- H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Using the collage method to solve inverse problems for vector-valued variational problems on a perforated domain in reflexive Banach spaces, Recent Advances in Mathematical and Statistical Methods, 105—114, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 259, Springer, New York, 2018. CHAPTER
- M. Ruiz Galán, Elementary convex techniques for equilibrium, minimax and variational problems, Optim. Lett. 12 (2018), 137–154. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, Minimax inequalities in the absence of topological assumptions, Minimax Theory Appl. 3 (2018), 81–90. ARTICLE
- P. Montiel López, M. Ruiz Galán, Revisiting the Hahn–Banach theorem and nonlinear infinite programming, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455 (2017), 1037–1050. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, A theorem of the alternative with an arbitrary number of inequalities and quadratic programming, J. Global Optim. 69 (2017), 427–442. ARTICLE
- M.I. Berenguer, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Galerkin method for constrained variational equations and a collage-based approach to related inverse problems, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 292 (2016), 67–75. ARTICLE (open access)
- P. Montiel López, M. Ruiz Galán, Nonlinear programming via König’s maximum theorem, J. Optim. Theory Appl. 170 (2016), 838–852. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, A concave-convex Ky Fan minimax inequality, Minimax Theory Appl. 1 (2016), 111–124. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, A sharp Lagrange multiplier theorem for nonlinear programs, J. Global Optim. 65 (2016), 513–530. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, The Gordan theorem and its implications for minimax theory, J. Nonlinear Convex Anal. 17 (2016), 2385–2405. ARTICLE
- M.I. Berenguer, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Galerkin schemes and inverse boundary value problems in reflexive Banach spaces, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 275 (2015), 100–112. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, H. Kunze, D. La Torre, M. Ruiz Galán, Set-valued nonlinear Fredholm interal equations: direct and inverse problem, Interdisciplinary topics in applied mathematics, modeling and computational science, 65-71, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 117, Springer, New York, 2015. CHAPTER
- H. Kunze, D. La Torre, K. Levere, M. Ruiz Galán, Inverse problems via the “generalized collage theorem” for vector-valued Lax-Milgram-based variational problems, Math. Probl. Eng. 2015 (2015), Art. ID 764643. ARTICLE (open access)
- A.I. Garralda-Guillem, G.N. Gatica, A. Márquez, M. Ruiz Galán, A posteriori error analysis of twofold saddle point variational formulations for nonlinear boundary value problems, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 34 (2014), 326–361. ARTICLE
- A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, Mixed variational formulations in locally convex spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 414 (2014), 825–849. ARTICLE (open access)
- H. Kunze, D. La Torre, F. Mendivil, M. Ruiz Galán, R. Zaki, Fractal-based methods and inverse problems for differential equations: current state of the art, Math. Probl. Eng. 2014 (2014), Art. ID 737694. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, An intrinsic notion of convexity for minimax, J. Convex Anal. 21 (2014), 1105–1139. ARTICLE
- M.I. Berenguer, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, An approximation method for solving systems of Volterra integro-differential equations, Appl. Numer. Math. 67 (2013) 126–135. ARTICLE
- F. Caliò, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, E. Marchetti, M. Ruiz Galán, Numerical approaches for systems of Volterra-Fredholm integral equations, Appl. Math. Comput 225 (2013), 811–821. ARTICLE
- B. Cascales, J. Orihuela, M. Ruiz Galán, Compactness, optimality, and risk, Computational and analytical mathematics, 161–218, Springer Proc. Math. Stat. 50, Springer, New York, 2013. CHAPTER
- M. Ruiz Galán, M.I. Berenguer, G.N. Gatica, D. La Torre, Some Recent Developments in Applied Functional Analysis, J. Function Spaces 2013 (2013), Art. ID 407425. EDITORIAL (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, M.V. Fernández Muñoz, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, A sequential approach for solving the Fredholm integro-differential equation, Appl. Numer. Math. 62 (2012), 297–304. ARTICLE
- F. Caliò, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, E. Marchetti, M. Ruiz Galán, About some numerical approaches for mixed integral equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2012), 464–474. ARTICLE
- J. Orihuela, M. Ruiz Galán, A coercive James’s weak compactness theorem and nonlinear variational problems, Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), 598–611. ARTICLE
- J. Orihuela, M. Ruiz Galán, Lebesgue property for convex risk measures on Orlicz spaces, Math. Financ. Econ. 6 (2012), 15–35. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, Characterization of the solvability of generalized constrained variational equations, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2012 (2012), Art. ID 247425. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, M.C. Serrano Pérez, Biorthogonal systems for solving Volterra integral equation systems of the second kind, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2011), 1875–1883. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, A.I. Garralda-Guilllem, M. Ruiz Galán, Biorthogonal systems approximating the solution of the nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equation, Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010 (2010), Art. ID 470149. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, Convex numerical radius, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 361 (2010), 481–491. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, Variational equations with constraints, Appl. Math. Lett. 23 (2010), 801–806. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, M.V. Fernández Muñoz, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, Numerical treatment of fixed point applied to the nonlinear Fredholm integral equation, Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2009 (2009), Art. ID 735638. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.I. Berenguer, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guilllem, M. Ruiz Galán, M.C. Serrano Pérez, Analytical techniques for a numerical solution of the linear Volterra integral equation of the second kind, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2009 (2009), Art. ID 149367. ARTICLE (open access)
- D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, High-order nonlinear initial-value problems countably determined, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 228 (2009), 77–82. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, A version of the Lax-Milgram theorem for locally convex spaces, J. Convex Anal. 16 (2009), 993–1002. ARTICLE
- A. Palomares, M. Pasadas, V. Ramírez, M. Ruiz Galán, A convergence result for a least-squares method using Schauder bases, Math. Comput. Simuation 77 (2008), 274–281. ARTICLE
- E. Castro, D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, High order linear initial-value problems and Schauder bases, Appl. Math. Model. 31 (2007), 2629–2638. ARTICLE (open access)
- D. Gámez, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, Nonlinear initial-value problems and Schauder bases, Nonlinear Anal. 63 (2005), 97–105. ARTICLE
- A. Palomares, M. Ruiz Galán, Isomorphisms, Schauder bases in Banach spaces, and numerical solution of integral and differential equations, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 26 (2005), 129–137. ARTICLE
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, Functions attaining the supremum and isomorphic properties of a Banach space, J. Korean Math. Soc. 41 (2004), 21–38. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, James type results for polynomials and symmetric multilinear forms, Ark. Mat. 43 (2004), 1–11. ARTICLE
- M.I. Berenguer, M.A. Fortes, A.I. Garralda-Guillem, M. Ruiz Galán, Linear Volterra integro-differential equation and Schauder bases, Appl. Math. Comput. 159 (2004), 495–507. ARTICLE
- M. Ruiz Galán, Polynomials, symmetric multilinear forms and weak compactness, Positivity 8 (2004), 297–304. ARTICLE
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, Characterizations of the reflexive spaces in the spirit of James’ Theorem, Trends in Banach spaces and operator theory, 1–14, Contemp. Math. 321, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2003. CHAPTER
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, Numerical-radius-attaining polynomials, Q. J. Math. 54 (2003), 1–10. ARTICLE
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, Dual spaces generated by the interior of the set of norm attaining functionals, Studia Math. 149 (2002), 175–183. ARTICLE (open access)
- A. Palomares, M. Pasadas, V. Ramírez, M. Ruiz Galán, Schauder bases in Banach spaces: application to numerical solutions of differential equations, Comput. Math. Appl. 44 (2002), 619–622. ARTICLE (open access)
- M. Ruiz Galán, S. Simons, A new minimax theorem and a perturbed James’s theorem, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 66 (2002), 43–56. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.D. Acosta, J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Ruiz Galán, Norm attaining operators and James’ theorem, Recent progress in functional analysis, 215–224, North-Holland Math. Stud. 189, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 2001. CHAPTER
- M.D. Acosta, M. Ruiz Galán, Reflexive spaces and numerical radius attaining operators, Extracta Math. 15 (2000), 247–255. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.D. Acosta, M. Ruiz Galán, A version of James’ theorem for numerical radius, Bull. London Math. Soc. 31 (1999), 67–74. ARTICLE
- M.D. Acosta, M. Ruiz Galán, New characterizations of the reflexivity in terms of the set of norm attaining functionals, Canad. Math. Bull. 41 (1998), 279–289. ARTICLE (open access)
- M.D. Acosta, M. Ruiz Galán, Norm attaining operators and reflexivity, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2) Suppl. 56 (1998), 171–177.