Monday, June 3rd 2024, 21h 00
Slope of Chapiz, 9 18010 – Granada

The Carmen de la Victoria is located in a place where there are Carmens since Arab times. Its shape was fixed at the end of the 19th century, when the primitive Carmen de la Victoria, called Carmen Olivarillo, and Carmen Percal, on both sides of the Arab wall of the slope of Chapiz, were unified.
Carmen, from the Arabic karm (vineyard), is the name given in Granada to the pleasure gardens on the outskirts of the city.
The Carmen de la Victoria was acquired by the University of Granada in 1945.
The cármenes are typical estates of the historic neighborhoods of Granada, heirs of the delightful orchards that the Arabs of Granada owned in the outskirts of the city. Today they are domestic gardens that maintain an old tradition of pleasant retreat for their owners.

El Carmen de la Victoria is located on the hill of the Albayzin, in the Arab suburb of Axaris, limit of the city that was already in Arab times a place of orchards, carmens and gardens.
After the demolition of the convent of La Victoria in the last century, to which part of the site was linked, the Carmen was formed as we know it today, the product of the unification of the primitive Carmen de la Victoria – Olivarillo Orchard with the Carmen del Pencal, separated from each other by the Arab wall of Chapiz, whose layout can still be seen in the paratas of the gardens. These two carmens were joined by several houses and pieces of street to form the staggered gardens surrounding the residence.
Acquired by the University of Granada, it is since then the only public carmen in the city that has not lost its character as a house-garden. It was first a residence for Moroccan students (Casa de Marruecos) linked to the School of Arab Studies, then a Residence Hall, and today a Guest Residence, always open to the enjoyment of university professors.
Although over time the buildings have been expanded, the layout of the gardens remains the same as it was more than a hundred years ago. Therefore, it is one of the least altered of Granada’s carmens, preserving the traditional garden forms of 19th century Granada regionalism.

Welcome Cocktail
Aperitif and drink in the outdoor gardens, six-course catering with open bar.
Duration: 1 hour and a half
PRICE PER PERSON: 10 euros (VAT included)
Dishes will be adapted for celiacs or in case of any food allergy or intolerance.