Juan de la Cierva Researcher

Contact email: emartina@ugr.es

BA and PhD in Psychology at the University of Granada in 2013. Postdoctoral researcher at Lyon Neuroscience Research Center from 2013-2016. Currently I am Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Granada funded by a national Juan de la Cierva researcher fellowship.

Research: Cognitive Neuroscience, Attention, Motor processing, Neuropsychology.

My research addresses the cognitive and neural mechanisms of spatial attention and motor processing. I use behavioural measures and cognitive neuroscience methods – ERP and TMS – to investigate these topics. I am also interested in clinical neuropsychology and the underlying mechanisms of attention and motor rehabilitation.

Recent topics I have been working on include the underlying mechanisms of rehabilitation techniques such as prism adaptation (Martín-Arévalo et al. 2016. Journal of Neuroscience; Martín-Arévalo et al. 2017. Cerebral Cortex)


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