Live Broadcast
XIIIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics – Session 1-2
15:30 Welcome from the Director of the ETSAG
Session 1-2 Ceramic consumption patterns
15:50 Azzedine KARRA, André, TEIXEIRA, Luis Serrao GIL: La céramique de Safi (Maroc): une tradition dans la longue durée
16:10 Ibrahim SHADDOUD: Les céramiques dans la production de vin aux époques omeyyade et croisée dans les pressoirs du château d’Enfeh (Liban nord)
16:30 Enrico CIRELLI: Distribuzione di ceramica e pietra ollare nei castelli dell’Appennino tosco-romagnolo
16:50 Jacopo RUSSO, Valeria BEOLCHINI: Cucinare a Tusculum nel medioevo: contesti ceramici, dati archeobiologici e tecniche di panificazione
The XIIIth Congress on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics of AIECM3 will be broadcast for the first time in its history live through the YouTube Channel of the PRIMNA UGR Group (HUM-1035).
Youtube Channel PRIMNA UGR Group:
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