Talc is a mineral raw material, rich in the talc species with chemical formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2. It belongs to the silicates class, specifically to phyllosilicates 2:1 and the subgroup of pyrophyllite-talc. This mineral is naturally associated with other minerals such as chlorites, magnesites and dolomites. In these cases, it is less pure and therefore of poorer quality.
Talc is widely used in industry, in particular as a pharmaceutical-cosmetic product. Pharmaceutical-cosmetic safety controls must therefore be conducted on these products and their mineralogical and chemical composition must be studied.
The aim of this research was to study the mineralogical and chemical composition of samples of topical talcum powder acquired in the Italian market in 2020, so as to determine the Pharmacopoeia quality of these samples and their suitability for use. To this end, the parameters specified in the European Pharmacopoeia 2014 were followed.
Keywords: Talc; European Pharmacopoeia; Mineral quality; Pharmaceutical-Cosmetic Use; Impurities.
Directed by: María Virginia Fernández González