Goat mastitis is an important disease of the mammary gland that is commonly caused by bacterial infection. If left untreated, it constitutes a serious problema for the agri-food industry, with negative economic consequences, in terms of reduced milk production and wasted milk. Many goats suffer from chronic mastitis as a resulto f residual forms of previous mastitis, which were either not treated or were treated unsuccesfully. In these cases, the manifestations are very diverse, but, in general, abcesses and áreas of connective tissue obstructing the lactiferous ducts are found. The main objective of this Master’s tesis is to develop new antibiotic formulations, such as cefquinome, based con nanotechnology. These offer a promising alternative in the design of new, more effective therapies, which Will reduce the side effects associated with these treatments. Specifically, we intend to design and créate two types of nanoparticles (mesoporus silica and sodium hyaluronate). We will then perform a physicochemical characterization of these nanoparticles and test the encapsulation efficiency and the release profile of the proposed antibiotic.
Keywords: mastitis; goats; cefquinome; nanoparticles; mesoporus silica; sodium hyaluronate.
Directed by: Mª Encarnación Morales Hernández