1. Ceramic consumption patterns
Contributions dedicated to the reconstruction of the use of ceramics in medieval and post- medieval societies. For instance, interpretations of the way in which consumers accept and negotiate trends in their temporal, social, geographical context, etc. It is encouraged to present analysis using different kind of sources, including material or written sources, ethnographic approaches and reflections on quantitative aspects among others.
2. Ceramic production and technology
Contributions dedicated to production and technology reconstruction. Proposals on raw material processing, organization of productive spaces and technological choices. Studies on specific productive topics such as archaeological interventions or specific collections are welcome. Also, comprehensive research, such as territorial and cultural analysis.
3. Theory and method in the study of medieval and modern ceramics
Any kind of reflection at an empirical, theoretical and methodological level. As well as to share new approaches in the analysis of medieval and post-medieval ceramics. Also approaches that cannot be covered with conventional or traditional techniques: new archaeometric approaches or methodological reflections on the use of digitization to give an example. Contributions from different disciplines that enrich the discussions are more than welcome.
4. Social significance of ceramic productions
Social groups can use artifacts as a way of expressing different aspects, such as identity. The functional analysis of ceramics is also an ideal ally for the interpretation of its symbolic meaning. In summary, contributions that discuss different registers of medieval and post-medieval daily life through ceramic analysis are welcome.
5. New discoveries
This session includes those works focused on new research, findings and specific discoveries. Also workshops or unknown and new ceramic productions.