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Toni FERNÁNDEZ ESPINOSA, Nuria MIRÓ i ALAIX, Vanesa TRIAY OLIVES La cerámica de los niveles del siglo XIII, hallados en la Casa Santmartí. El Born CCM, Barcelona.
Sophie GILOTTE, Yasmina CÁCERES GUTIÉRREZ Las pesas de red cerámicas del siglo XII del yacimiento de Albalat (Cáceres).
Maria de Fátima PALMA Pottery in rural contexts of Garb al-Andalus: the territory of Mértola between the 8thand 13th centuries.
Sérgio ROSA, Telmo ANTÓNIO, João ARAÚJO, Rodrigo BANHA DA SILVA, André TEIXEIRA Ceramics of Almada (Portugal): technical, formal and decorative evolution patterns between Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period.
Miguel MARTINS DE SOUSA, Adriana GOMES, Catarina PARREIRA, Íris FRAGOSO, Inês BELÉM ‘Clay Cannabis Pipes’? Interpretative Approach between Archaeological and Historical Sources on Cannabis and the Clay Smoking Pipes in the Iberian Peninsula from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods.
Sara da Cruz FERREIRA, André BARGÃO, Catarina FELÍCIO, Filipe SOUSA, Rodrigo BANHA DA SILVA Ligurian maiolica from the 17th and 18th centuries in Lisbon (Portugal): the case study of Mercado da Ribeira.


Fabienne RAVOIRE Approvisionnement et diffusion des céramiques modernes en Provence orientale à travers les données archéologiques antiboises.
Nicolas ATTIA Premier aperçu de l’approvisionnement et de la consommation de la céramique à Aix-en-Provence au premier Moyen-Âge (IXe-XIe s.).
Angelo CASTRORAO BARBA, Filippo PISCIOTTA, Giuseppe MONTANA, Maurizio GASPARO MORTICELLI, Roberto MICCICHÈ, Carla ALEO NERO, Pasquale MARINO, Giuseppe BAZAN Early Medieval pottery and production in the rural settlement of Contrada Castro (Western Sicily)
Jaume COLL CONESA, Sara PUGGIONI, Bence KÓVACS, Hugo DEL POZO Contextos del Barri dels Obradors y aproximación a la cronología de las producciones cerámicas de Manises








  Consumo cerámico en el sureste de la Península Ibérica a principios del siglo XVI. Vera, Almería.
José Luis MENÉNDEZ FUEYO, Joaquin PINA MIRA Marcar la cerámica. Una aproximación a las cerámicas con grafffiti en la Pobla de Ifach (Calp, Alicante)
Salvina FIORILLA, Annamaria SAMMITO Le importazioni spagnole nella contea di Modica (Sicilia).
Deyan RABOVYANOV The appearance of new kitchenware and the introduction of new food culture in Bulgaria during the Ottoman period (15th – 17th c.).
Constantin ȘOVA Changing pottery. An analytical look at a type of tableware from Dobruja (8th – 12th centuries).
Vladimir Y. KOVAL Spanish Lustreware in the forest zone of Eastern Europe.
Mink van IJZENDOORN, Joanita VROOM, Reinder REINDERS The closed Sea and the Open Market: Pottery and Socioeconomic Changes in the Late Byzantine/Frankish Aegean (12th-15th Cent. AD).
Özgü Çömezoğlu UZBEK Glazed White Ware from Damatris Palace in Istanbul.
Nikita I. IUDIN Iranian luster painted pottery of the 2nd half of the XIII-XIV cc. in Eastern Europe.
Jaquelina COVANEIRO, Sandra CAVACO, O almofariz, o seu contributo para a cozinha e a mesa em época medieval.









Rafael J. PEDREGOSA MEGÍAS, David GÓMEZ COMINO, José Javier ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA Madinat Lawsa: cerámica y restos de producción alfarera a raíz de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el Huerto de María Ruiz, Loja (Granada).
Diana VEGA ALMAZÁN, Félix TEICHNER Cerámica medieval y moderna de la iglesia de Santa Lucía (Andaluz, Soria). Estudio tipológico.
Javier MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Sol LÓPEZ ANDRÉS, Luis Carlos JUAN TOVAR, Manuel RETUERCE VELASCO, Rosario CEBRIÁN FERNÁNDEZ Caracterización arqueométrica de cerámicas procedentes de La Marañosa (San Martín de la Vega, Madrid). Datos preliminares.
Mª Antonia MARTÍNEZ NÚÑEZ, Carmen ÍÑIGUEZ Las series cerámicas funerarias de época nazarí en Málaga
Catherine RICHARTÉ Les vaisselles glaçurées des épaves arabo-islamiques de Provence: Entre technologie et commerce (fin IXe-Xe s.).
Pamela ARMSTRONG, Mariya MANOLOVA-VOYKOVA, A. RICCI, Carmen TING, R. WOHMANN White Ware production in Preslav, Nikomedia and Constantinople: a technological study.
Belgin DEMIRSAR ARLI, Sennur KAYA, Gülsu SIMSEK FRANCI, Hakan ARLI A group of Medieval Byzantine Ceramics (Zeuxzippos Ware) and its pXRF analysis.
Vicente BARBA COLMENERO, José Manuel ALBA GÓMEZ Los talleres de cerámica de época bizantina en la región de Asuán (Egipto).
A. P. PANAGOPOULOU, J. VROOM, A. HEIN, V. KILIKOGLOU Kütahya wares versus porcelain in Mytilene – original manufacturing technology or a “peasent porcelain”?.








Laura APARICIO, Ihssane SERRAT, Elena SALINAS, Imane ENNI, Ghailane HAFSA Nuevos tipos de iluminación andalusíes-magrebíes almohades: ¿transmisión del conocimiento o influencia bidireccional?.
Massimo BELTRAME, Susana GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ, José MIRÃO Estudo analítico de um conjunto de cerâmicas de reflexo metálico de época Islâmica (sécs. XI-XIII d.C.), procedentes de Mértola (Portugal meridional).
Jean-Louis VAYSSETTES, Henri AMOURIC Images des invisibles: femmes et enfants dans les ateliers de céramiques en France méditerranéenne: fin XIXe-début XXe siècle.
Guergana GUIONOVA Entre industrie et beaux-arts: la lithophanie, un objet rare en archéologie moderne.
S. Y. WAKSMAN, D. PAPANIKOLA-BAKIRTZI Potters in between Nicosia and Lapithos (Cyprus): archaeological and archaeometric evidence from the Vitonos excavations (Nicosia).
Aikaterini PEPPA La céramique “slave” revisitée: Résultat d’une rencontre interculturelle ou d’une économie précaire?.
Georgia GIANNAKI Early Glazed Pottery from Byzantine Greece.


Analyses of terracotta figurines and pottery from the sanctuary at Ajia Irini, Cyprus.
Javier IÑÁÑEZ, Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA, Gorka ARANA Oleiro e Malegueiro: Arqueología y Arqueometría de la producción cerámica en Coimbra (ss. XVI-XVII)










Esther TRAVÉ ALLEPUZ, Sonia MEDINA GORDO Data-modelling for interdisciplinary landscape analysis of pottery production in medieval and postmedieval Catalonia: An integrated approach to Material science, Statistics, Data management and Mapping.
Fernando MARTÍNEZ ÁVILA, Teresa KOFFLER URBANO Datación mediante termoluminiscencia de materiales constructivos en la Alhambra.
Adreia RODRIGUES Una propuesta tipológica de la cerámica bajomedieval del Algarve: las fuentes y el registro arqueológico.
Arianna BRIANO Metodologie integrate per un nuovo approccio di studio alla classe delle invetriate in monocottura alto medievali della Toscana.
Cristina TALMAȚCHI, Bekhzodjon A. ABDURAKHINOV, Sergey E. KICHANOV, Constantin ȘOVA, Maria BǍLǍȘOIU, Marius Călin BELC The experience of using neutron scattering methods in the study of Byzantine Ceramics from Constanța.









Cristina MARTÍNEZ ÁLVAREZ, Marian REBKOWSKI, Guillermo GARCÍA-CONTRERAS RUIZ, Antonio MALPICA CUELLO On the edges of Ilbīra: Emirate and Caliphate pottery in the southern district of the madina (Granada).
Miguel BUSTO ZAPICO, Alfonso MENÉNDEZ GRANDA, Estefanía SÁNCHEZ HIDALGO, Francisco LARA PIÑERA Ceramics from an urban palace in a fishing village in the north western part of the Iberian Peninsula: La Casa del Cercáu in Llanes (Asturias, Spain).
Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA A traditional Portuguese type of pottery: the inlaid quartz decorated ware from Coimbra (16th – 17th centuries).
Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA, António PACHECO A fancy way of drinking…water: high relief pottery from the 2nd half of the 16th century in Coimbra and Aveiro (Portugal).
Paulo DORDIO, Javier LARRAZABAL GALARZA, Beatriz BÁEZ GARZÓN Uma produção de cerâmica vermelha pintada do século XVII proveniente das escavações arqueológicas do Mosteiro de Santa Clara a Velha de Coimbra.
Rui Filipe GIL, Luísa BATALHA Las Cerámicas de Importación como Reflejo de la Estrategia de Independencia Económica de una Comunidad Pesquera – El caso del Castillo de Sesimbra.
Jeannette ROSE ALBRECHT Parement céramique et géométrie, une rencontre interculturelle. De l’espace ornemental à l’espace pictural, succès du motif « étoile croix » dans l’art islamique et chrétien, XIIe-XVe siècles.
Henri AMOURIC, Lucy VALLAURI Décors héraldiques catalans du XVIIe siècle en Provence : le miroir d’orgueil des Forbin.









Rosa María CUCCO, Antonio DI MAGGIO, L’Abbazia normanna di S. Giorgio di Gratteri: dall’età bizantina ad età contemporanea. Storia di trasformazioni edilizie e nella destinazione d’uso.
Rosa María CUCCO, Filipo IANNÌ Scavi sulla Rocca di Sciara e sulla Terravecchia di Caltavuturo (PA): l’importanza della ceramica come indicatore sociale e commerciale.
Iryna TESLENKO Ceramic in burial practice of Byzantine Northern periphery in Palaiologos’ era (Crimea, Northern Black Sea Region).
Angeliki PANOPOULOU, Anastasia YANGAKI The archival evidence as a source on the life-cycles of ceramic objects: snapshots from documents on Venetian Crete
Maria TYMOSHENKO Glazed Pottery Decor as a Reflection of Daily Life. The Case Study of Human Representation from the 13th century Shipwreck from Novy Svet (Sudak, Crimea).
Anastasia VASSILIOU Multiple aspects of reuse in Middle Byzantine glazed pottery from Argos
Sergei G. BOCHAROV, Nikita I. IUDIN, Andrey N. MASLOVSKI Finds of celadon and its imitations on the territory of the European part of the Golden Horde
Diliara ALIADINOVA One of the groups of early Ottoman glazed ceramics of Crimea, problems of origin
Sophia GERMANIDOU Ceramic pigeon nests









Pilar LAFUENTE IBÁÑEZ Una forma cerámica de difícil identificación: partidores de agua de época almohade.
Florence RICHEZ Dernières découvertes dans le domaine public maritime français
Vincenzo CASTALDO, Girolamo Ferdinando DE SIMONE, Mario CESARANO Medieval and Post-Medieval ceramics from Campania: the pottery assemblages from the Medieval Castle and the territory of Roccarainola in the Ager Nolanus.
Fabrizio SUDANO, Eugenio DONATO, Cristiana LA SERRA, Fabio LICO La ceramica bassomedievale a Soriano Calabro (VV, Calabria). Il contesto di loc. Casalini
Matteo G. RANDAZZO Un’assortita batteria da cucina nella Sicilia di fine XII-XIV secolo.  Nuovi dati sull’apparato morfologico delle ceramiche da cucina con rivestimento piombifero parziale (cosiddette “Messina Ware”) dal Castello di Lombardia di Enna.
Enrico DIRMINTI, Gianluigi MARRAS, Alessandra PUSOLE Baunei (Sardegna centro-orientale): dati  archeologici sulla circolazione ceramica dal XIV al XX secolo
Iryna TESLENKO, Yona WAKSMAN Glazed pottery from the excavation in Akkerman (Bilgorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine), preliminary results of archaeological and archaeometric study
Galina GROZDANOVA A View from the Inland: Middle Byzantine Ceramics from Orlovo Site, at the Northern Foothills of the Rhodope Mountain
Evelina TODOROVA Ceramic assemblage from the Middle Byzantine period from Bona Mansio, NW Thrace
Natalia GINKUT The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Glazed Vessels Made in Byzantium and the Crimea with Underglaze Inscriptions and Monograms Excavated at Cherson and Cembalo Fortress
Cristina TALMAȚCHI Byzantine Pottery from the excavation of the Hârșova fortress (Romania)
Andra SAMSON Ceramics floor tiles from Moldavia in the 15th century
R. VALENTE, M. JACKSON, C. DIAMANTI, M. DUGGAN, H. INDGJAERD, V. CASTALDO Medieval glazed ware from the Apalirou Environs Survey Project








Yasmina CÁCERES GUTIÉRREZ Las cazuelas nazaríes de la Alcazaba de Almería
José Pedro HENRIQUES, Vanessa FILIPE Out of context objects and their significance. Presence of Iranian ceramic in Lisbon.
Elisabetta UGAGLIA Late Antique and Early Medieval pottery from Palazzo Mazzola (Asti, Italy) Oral?
Sergei ZELENKO, S. TSARENKO, S. IVANOV Amphora-jars from the Novy Svet shipwreck of the 9th-11th century AD
Georgi SENGALEVICH Boukelon: first site in Bulgaria with Zeuxippus Ware as main Glazed Pottery Group
Mariya MANOLOVA-VOYKOVA A late 13th-14th c. workshop for sgraffito pottery of Sozopol, western Black Sea coast
Georgi SENGALEVICH Zeuxippus ware as a possible prototype of late byzantine ceramics with underglaze monograms
Ayşe Çaylak TÜRKER Byzantine Tegania from Üstünlü Harbor in the Hellespont
Angelos TSOMPANIDIS and George KOUTSOUFLAKIS Plates from a shipwreck of the Late Ottoman Period off the sea of Patmos with a ceramic cargo from the Çanakkale Workshops
George Koutsouflakis, Angelos TSOMPANIDIS A 12th century cargo of byzantine tableware found off the eastern coast of Attica
Anna PANTI Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery from the Maroneia Cave in Aegean Thrace
Belgin DEMİRSAR ARLI, Şennur KAYA Gülsu ŞİMŞEK FRANCİ, Hakan ARLI On-site, non-destructive studies at Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation
Thierry JULLIEN, Abdelfattach ICHKHAKH et al Les céramiques du haut Moyen Âge de Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Maroc) recueillies dans l’Ensemble 1 (secteur du nord-est, dit de la domus) lors des campagnes 2012-2017