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XIIIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics – Session 2-3
XIIIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics – Session 2-3: Ceramic production and technology
Session 2-3: Ceramic production and technology
15:00 Esther TRAVÉ ALLEPUZ, Albert PRATDESABA SALA, Imma OLLICH CASTANYER, Joan VICENS TARRÉ, María OCAÑA SUBIRANA: Crisis, what crisis? Technological and functional adaptation of medieval greyware pottery production in transition periods. A diachronic approach in North-eastern Catalonia
15:20 Roberta MENTESANA, Jaume BUXEDA i GARRIGÒS, V. KILIKOGLU, A. HEIN, M. MADRID i FERNÁNDEZ: The production and circulation of sugar pots in the Iberian peninsula in the 15th-16th century: old and new data examined with the contribution of archaeological science
15:40 Carmen ÍÑIGUEZ: La organización del espacio productivo en los alfares de época islámica en Málaga
16:00 Elena SALINAS, Judit MOLERA, Trinitat PRADELL: Técnicas decorativas de la cerámica vidriada en el mundo islámico
16:20 Carla Aleo NERO, Monica CHIOVARO, Antonio DI MAGGIO, Francesca AGRÒ, Emmanuele CANZONIERI, Filippo IANNÌ: Produzione e consumo di ceramiche medievali a Palermo (Sicilia): dati e contesti archeologici dagli scavi urbani più recenti
16:40 Communications Debate (2-3)
17:10 a 17:50 Café / POSTER SESSION 2-2
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