Live Broadcast
XIIIth Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics – Session 1-3
Session 1-3 Ceramic consumption patterns
18:20 Antonino MEO, Paola ORECCHIONI, Jasmine LUNDY, Alessandra MOLINARI: Approcci integrati per lo studio della ceramica medievale Siciliana: forme, usi, abitudini alimentari e modelli di consumo dei contenitori ceramici a Mazara
18:40 Harald STADLER: Spanish fayence in medieval and postmedieval castles and monasteries in Western Austria and EastSwitzerland. Import or imitation?
19:00 Joan NEGRE, Pablo GARCIA-BORJA, Miquel ROSSELLÓ, Miquel SÁNCHEZ: La vajilla del hisn Bayran y la del castrum de Bayren. Análisis comparativo de los repertorios formales tardoandalusí y posconquista en una fortaleza protourbana del área central del Sharq al‐Andalus
The XIIIth Congress on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics of AIECM3 will be broadcast for the first time in its history live through the YouTube Channel of the PRIMNA UGR Group (HUM-1035).
Youtube Channel PRIMNA UGR Group:
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