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Toni FERNÁNDEZ ESPINOSA, Nuria MIRÓ i ALAIX, Vanesa TRIAY OLIVES | La cerámica de los niveles del siglo XIII, hallados en la Casa Santmartí. El Born CCM, Barcelona. |
Sophie GILOTTE, Yasmina CÁCERES GUTIÉRREZ | Las pesas de red cerámicas del siglo XII del yacimiento de Albalat (Cáceres). |
Maria de Fátima PALMA | Pottery in rural contexts of Garb al-Andalus: the territory of Mértola between the 8thand 13th centuries. |
Sérgio ROSA, Telmo ANTÓNIO, João ARAÚJO, Rodrigo BANHA DA SILVA, André TEIXEIRA | Ceramics of Almada (Portugal): technical, formal and decorative evolution patterns between Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. |
Miguel MARTINS DE SOUSA, Adriana GOMES, Catarina PARREIRA, Íris FRAGOSO, Inês BELÉM | ‘Clay Cannabis Pipes’? Interpretative Approach between Archaeological and Historical Sources on Cannabis and the Clay Smoking Pipes in the Iberian Peninsula from the Medieval to the Early Modern Periods. |
Sara da Cruz FERREIRA, André BARGÃO, Catarina FELÍCIO, Filipe SOUSA, Rodrigo BANHA DA SILVA | Ligurian maiolica from the 17th and 18th centuries in Lisbon (Portugal): the case study of Mercado da Ribeira.
Fabienne RAVOIRE | Approvisionnement et diffusion des céramiques modernes en Provence orientale à travers les données archéologiques antiboises. |
Nicolas ATTIA | Premier aperçu de l’approvisionnement et de la consommation de la céramique à Aix-en-Provence au premier Moyen-Âge (IXe-XIe s.). |
Angelo CASTRORAO BARBA, Filippo PISCIOTTA, Giuseppe MONTANA, Maurizio GASPARO MORTICELLI, Roberto MICCICHÈ, Carla ALEO NERO, Pasquale MARINO, Giuseppe BAZAN | Early Medieval pottery and production in the rural settlement of Contrada Castro (Western Sicily) |
Jaume COLL CONESA, Sara PUGGIONI, Bence KÓVACS, Hugo DEL POZO | Contextos del Barri dels Obradors y aproximación a la cronología de las producciones cerámicas de Manises |
Consumo cerámico en el sureste de la Península Ibérica a principios del siglo XVI. Vera, Almería. | |
José Luis MENÉNDEZ FUEYO, Joaquin PINA MIRA | Marcar la cerámica. Una aproximación a las cerámicas con grafffiti en la Pobla de Ifach (Calp, Alicante) |
Salvina FIORILLA, Annamaria SAMMITO | Le importazioni spagnole nella contea di Modica (Sicilia). |
Deyan RABOVYANOV | The appearance of new kitchenware and the introduction of new food culture in Bulgaria during the Ottoman period (15th – 17th c.). |
Constantin ȘOVA | Changing pottery. An analytical look at a type of tableware from Dobruja (8th – 12th centuries). |
Vladimir Y. KOVAL | Spanish Lustreware in the forest zone of Eastern Europe. |
Mink van IJZENDOORN, Joanita VROOM, Reinder REINDERS | The closed Sea and the Open Market: Pottery and Socioeconomic Changes in the Late Byzantine/Frankish Aegean (12th-15th Cent. AD). |
Özgü Çömezoğlu UZBEK | Glazed White Ware from Damatris Palace in Istanbul. |
Nikita I. IUDIN | Iranian luster painted pottery of the 2nd half of the XIII-XIV cc. in Eastern Europe. |
Jaquelina COVANEIRO, Sandra CAVACO, | O almofariz, o seu contributo para a cozinha e a mesa em época medieval. |
Rafael J. PEDREGOSA MEGÍAS, David GÓMEZ COMINO, José Javier ÁLVAREZ GARCÍA | Madinat Lawsa: cerámica y restos de producción alfarera a raíz de la intervención arqueológica realizada en el Huerto de María Ruiz, Loja (Granada). |
Diana VEGA ALMAZÁN, Félix TEICHNER | Cerámica medieval y moderna de la iglesia de Santa Lucía (Andaluz, Soria). Estudio tipológico. |
Javier MARTÍNEZ-GONZÁLEZ, Sol LÓPEZ ANDRÉS, Luis Carlos JUAN TOVAR, Manuel RETUERCE VELASCO, Rosario CEBRIÁN FERNÁNDEZ | Caracterización arqueométrica de cerámicas procedentes de La Marañosa (San Martín de la Vega, Madrid). Datos preliminares. |
Mª Antonia MARTÍNEZ NÚÑEZ, Carmen ÍÑIGUEZ | Las series cerámicas funerarias de época nazarí en Málaga |
Catherine RICHARTÉ | Les vaisselles glaçurées des épaves arabo-islamiques de Provence: Entre technologie et commerce (fin IXe-Xe s.). |
Pamela ARMSTRONG, Mariya MANOLOVA-VOYKOVA, A. RICCI, Carmen TING, R. WOHMANN | White Ware production in Preslav, Nikomedia and Constantinople: a technological study. |
Belgin DEMIRSAR ARLI, Sennur KAYA, Gülsu SIMSEK FRANCI, Hakan ARLI | A group of Medieval Byzantine Ceramics (Zeuxzippos Ware) and its pXRF analysis. |
Vicente BARBA COLMENERO, José Manuel ALBA GÓMEZ | Los talleres de cerámica de época bizantina en la región de Asuán (Egipto). |
A. P. PANAGOPOULOU, J. VROOM, A. HEIN, V. KILIKOGLOU | Kütahya wares versus porcelain in Mytilene – original manufacturing technology or a “peasent porcelain”?. |
Laura APARICIO, Ihssane SERRAT, Elena SALINAS, Imane ENNI, Ghailane HAFSA | Nuevos tipos de iluminación andalusíes-magrebíes almohades: ¿transmisión del conocimiento o influencia bidireccional?. |
Massimo BELTRAME, Susana GÓMEZ MARTÍNEZ, José MIRÃO | Estudo analítico de um conjunto de cerâmicas de reflexo metálico de época Islâmica (sécs. XI-XIII d.C.), procedentes de Mértola (Portugal meridional). |
Jean-Louis VAYSSETTES, Henri AMOURIC | Images des invisibles: femmes et enfants dans les ateliers de céramiques en France méditerranéenne: fin XIXe-début XXe siècle. |
Guergana GUIONOVA | Entre industrie et beaux-arts: la lithophanie, un objet rare en archéologie moderne. |
S. Y. WAKSMAN, D. PAPANIKOLA-BAKIRTZI | Potters in between Nicosia and Lapithos (Cyprus): archaeological and archaeometric evidence from the Vitonos excavations (Nicosia). |
Aikaterini PEPPA | La céramique “slave” revisitée: Résultat d’une rencontre interculturelle ou d’une économie précaire?. |
Georgia GIANNAKI | Early Glazed Pottery from Byzantine Greece. |
Analyses of terracotta figurines and pottery from the sanctuary at Ajia Irini, Cyprus. |
Javier IÑÁÑEZ, Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA, Gorka ARANA | Oleiro e Malegueiro: Arqueología y Arqueometría de la producción cerámica en Coimbra (ss. XVI-XVII)
Esther TRAVÉ ALLEPUZ, Sonia MEDINA GORDO | Data-modelling for interdisciplinary landscape analysis of pottery production in medieval and postmedieval Catalonia: An integrated approach to Material science, Statistics, Data management and Mapping. |
Fernando MARTÍNEZ ÁVILA, Teresa KOFFLER URBANO | Datación mediante termoluminiscencia de materiales constructivos en la Alhambra. |
Adreia RODRIGUES | Una propuesta tipológica de la cerámica bajomedieval del Algarve: las fuentes y el registro arqueológico. |
Arianna BRIANO | Metodologie integrate per un nuovo approccio di studio alla classe delle invetriate in monocottura alto medievali della Toscana. |
Cristina TALMAȚCHI, Bekhzodjon A. ABDURAKHINOV, Sergey E. KICHANOV, Constantin ȘOVA, Maria BǍLǍȘOIU, Marius Călin BELC | The experience of using neutron scattering methods in the study of Byzantine Ceramics from Constanța. |
Cristina MARTÍNEZ ÁLVAREZ, Marian REBKOWSKI, Guillermo GARCÍA-CONTRERAS RUIZ, Antonio MALPICA CUELLO | On the edges of Ilbīra: Emirate and Caliphate pottery in the southern district of the madina (Granada). |
Miguel BUSTO ZAPICO, Alfonso MENÉNDEZ GRANDA, Estefanía SÁNCHEZ HIDALGO, Francisco LARA PIÑERA | Ceramics from an urban palace in a fishing village in the north western part of the Iberian Peninsula: La Casa del Cercáu in Llanes (Asturias, Spain). |
Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA | A traditional Portuguese type of pottery: the inlaid quartz decorated ware from Coimbra (16th – 17th centuries). |
Ricardo COSTEIRA DA SILVA, António PACHECO | A fancy way of drinking…water: high relief pottery from the 2nd half of the 16th century in Coimbra and Aveiro (Portugal). |
Paulo DORDIO, Javier LARRAZABAL GALARZA, Beatriz BÁEZ GARZÓN | Uma produção de cerâmica vermelha pintada do século XVII proveniente das escavações arqueológicas do Mosteiro de Santa Clara a Velha de Coimbra. |
Rui Filipe GIL, Luísa BATALHA | Las Cerámicas de Importación como Reflejo de la Estrategia de Independencia Económica de una Comunidad Pesquera – El caso del Castillo de Sesimbra. |
Jeannette ROSE ALBRECHT | Parement céramique et géométrie, une rencontre interculturelle. De l’espace ornemental à l’espace pictural, succès du motif « étoile croix » dans l’art islamique et chrétien, XIIe-XVe siècles. |
Henri AMOURIC, Lucy VALLAURI | Décors héraldiques catalans du XVIIe siècle en Provence : le miroir d’orgueil des Forbin. |
Rosa María CUCCO, Antonio DI MAGGIO, | L’Abbazia normanna di S. Giorgio di Gratteri: dall’età bizantina ad età contemporanea. Storia di trasformazioni edilizie e nella destinazione d’uso. |
Rosa María CUCCO, Filipo IANNÌ | Scavi sulla Rocca di Sciara e sulla Terravecchia di Caltavuturo (PA): l’importanza della ceramica come indicatore sociale e commerciale. |
Iryna TESLENKO | Ceramic in burial practice of Byzantine Northern periphery in Palaiologos’ era (Crimea, Northern Black Sea Region). |
Angeliki PANOPOULOU, Anastasia YANGAKI | The archival evidence as a source on the life-cycles of ceramic objects: snapshots from documents on Venetian Crete |
Maria TYMOSHENKO | Glazed Pottery Decor as a Reflection of Daily Life. The Case Study of Human Representation from the 13th century Shipwreck from Novy Svet (Sudak, Crimea). |
Anastasia VASSILIOU | Multiple aspects of reuse in Middle Byzantine glazed pottery from Argos |
Sergei G. BOCHAROV, Nikita I. IUDIN, Andrey N. MASLOVSKI | Finds of celadon and its imitations on the territory of the European part of the Golden Horde |
Diliara ALIADINOVA | One of the groups of early Ottoman glazed ceramics of Crimea, problems of origin |
Sophia GERMANIDOU | Ceramic pigeon nests |
Pilar LAFUENTE IBÁÑEZ | Una forma cerámica de difícil identificación: partidores de agua de época almohade. |
Florence RICHEZ | Dernières découvertes dans le domaine public maritime français |
Vincenzo CASTALDO, Girolamo Ferdinando DE SIMONE, Mario CESARANO | Medieval and Post-Medieval ceramics from Campania: the pottery assemblages from the Medieval Castle and the territory of Roccarainola in the Ager Nolanus. |
Fabrizio SUDANO, Eugenio DONATO, Cristiana LA SERRA, Fabio LICO | La ceramica bassomedievale a Soriano Calabro (VV, Calabria). Il contesto di loc. Casalini |
Matteo G. RANDAZZO | Un’assortita batteria da cucina nella Sicilia di fine XII-XIV secolo. Nuovi dati sull’apparato morfologico delle ceramiche da cucina con rivestimento piombifero parziale (cosiddette “Messina Ware”) dal Castello di Lombardia di Enna. |
Enrico DIRMINTI, Gianluigi MARRAS, Alessandra PUSOLE | Baunei (Sardegna centro-orientale): dati archeologici sulla circolazione ceramica dal XIV al XX secolo |
Iryna TESLENKO, Yona WAKSMAN | Glazed pottery from the excavation in Akkerman (Bilgorod-Dnistrovskyi, Ukraine), preliminary results of archaeological and archaeometric study |
Galina GROZDANOVA | A View from the Inland: Middle Byzantine Ceramics from Orlovo Site, at the Northern Foothills of the Rhodope Mountain |
Evelina TODOROVA | Ceramic assemblage from the Middle Byzantine period from Bona Mansio, NW Thrace |
Natalia GINKUT | The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Glazed Vessels Made in Byzantium and the Crimea with Underglaze Inscriptions and Monograms Excavated at Cherson and Cembalo Fortress |
Cristina TALMAȚCHI | Byzantine Pottery from the excavation of the Hârșova fortress (Romania) |
Andra SAMSON | Ceramics floor tiles from Moldavia in the 15th century |
R. VALENTE, M. JACKSON, C. DIAMANTI, M. DUGGAN, H. INDGJAERD, V. CASTALDO | Medieval glazed ware from the Apalirou Environs Survey Project |
Yasmina CÁCERES GUTIÉRREZ | Las cazuelas nazaríes de la Alcazaba de Almería |
José Pedro HENRIQUES, Vanessa FILIPE | Out of context objects and their significance. Presence of Iranian ceramic in Lisbon. |
Elisabetta UGAGLIA | Late Antique and Early Medieval pottery from Palazzo Mazzola (Asti, Italy) Oral? |
Sergei ZELENKO, S. TSARENKO, S. IVANOV | Amphora-jars from the Novy Svet shipwreck of the 9th-11th century AD |
Georgi SENGALEVICH | Boukelon: first site in Bulgaria with Zeuxippus Ware as main Glazed Pottery Group |
Mariya MANOLOVA-VOYKOVA | A late 13th-14th c. workshop for sgraffito pottery of Sozopol, western Black Sea coast |
Georgi SENGALEVICH | Zeuxippus ware as a possible prototype of late byzantine ceramics with underglaze monograms |
Ayşe Çaylak TÜRKER | Byzantine Tegania from Üstünlü Harbor in the Hellespont |
Angelos TSOMPANIDIS and George KOUTSOUFLAKIS | Plates from a shipwreck of the Late Ottoman Period off the sea of Patmos with a ceramic cargo from the Çanakkale Workshops |
George Koutsouflakis, Angelos TSOMPANIDIS | A 12th century cargo of byzantine tableware found off the eastern coast of Attica |
Anna PANTI | Late Byzantine Glazed Pottery from the Maroneia Cave in Aegean Thrace |
Belgin DEMİRSAR ARLI, Şennur KAYA Gülsu ŞİMŞEK FRANCİ, Hakan ARLI | On-site, non-destructive studies at Iznik Tile Kilns Excavation |
Thierry JULLIEN, Abdelfattach ICHKHAKH et al | Les céramiques du haut Moyen Âge de Rirha (Sidi Slimane, Maroc) recueillies dans l’Ensemble 1 (secteur du nord-est, dit de la domus) lors des campagnes 2012-2017 |