The research group FQM-247, Photochemistry and Photobiology, was founded in 1995 by Prof. Jose M. Alvarez-Pez, and the group continues growing since then.

Currently, the group is headed by Prof. Angel Orte. We are interested in the use of fluorescence techniques to better understand physical processes and the application of this knowledge in Biophysics and Biological studies.

You can check our current research lines HERE

Group members

Angel Orte Head – Full Prof. angelort GS
Jose M. Alvarez-Pez Full Prof. jalvarez
Eva M. Talavera-Rodriguez Full Prof. etalaver
Luis Crovetto Assistant Prof. luiscrovetto GS
Maria J. Ruedas-Rama Assistant Prof. mjruedas GS
Delia Miguel Assistant Prof. dmalvarez GS
Jose M. Paredes Assistant Prof. jmparedes GS
Emilio Garcia-Fernandez Lecturer emiliogf
Juan A. Gonzalez-Vera Lecturer gonzalezvera
M. Eugenia Garcia-Rubiño
Lecturer rubino
Angel Perez-Lara
RyC Fellow fperezl
M. Carmen Gonzalez-Garcia PhD student mcarmeng
Javier Valverde PhD student javalverde
Laura Espinar-Barranco PhD student lauraebe@correo
Alvaro Ruiz-Arias PhD student alvaroruizarias@correo